Delta3: Big-scene visualization for highway. Google street view camera-matching using Blender
and Lumion. 3D modeling , 3D rendering, and photo-montage.
Client: Delta3
Project: Infrastructure visualization & photomontage for sun-panel placement
Purpose: Informational and decision-making for clients of Delta3
Our challenge: The road junction andbike underpass surrounded by farmland, forest with multiple link-roads situated in Flevoland, involved 3D modeling 2D CAD information into a 3D model. The goal to make 3D renders from different viewpoints and using a couple of camera settings. We used Blender for modeling and Lumion for renders, as is often the case. The solar panel and tree projects were short 3D visualization projects. We sourced local photos from Google Street View and then modeled 3D scenes to scale to position the new elements matching the camera angle of the street view images. Photomontage works well to be able to show before and after situations realistically. We could have made a 3D animated fly-over using the models already made if the client had requested it.